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jamarotta 01-30-2016 09:56 AM

Recently purchased last Nest Thermostat (3rd generation). I was able to go into HAL Ultra settings, choose Nest as thermostat, press Authorize, get the stat's PIN code, enter back into HAL Ultra, and got a Link Successful response. However Thermostat does not show up in the Automation Screen as a new device. When I 'Add a new device' NEST is not a manufacturer choice and so there's no way to add it the Automation Screen so HAL can utilize. Appreciate thoughts here.

dtomcat 01-30-2016 05:17 PM

Re: Nest
I recently bought one as well and have contacted HAL. I know they are currently rewriting some of the nest code as we speak. I know they made progress, but still have some smaller things to iron out. I'll let you know when they release an update.


jamarotta 01-31-2016 08:02 AM

Re: Nest
Rob- thanks for taking the time to reply. Appreciate it and the updates.

Best regards,

TimShriver 01-31-2016 11:53 AM

Re: Nest
2 Attachment(s)
Hi Joe,

Which version of HALultra are you using? There is a new build coming this week with an update to how we retrieve data from the Nest cloud server which will be more efficient. There is also a fix for our Celsius customers...

You should see a screens like the following in Device Wizard:

jamarotta 01-31-2016 12:53 PM

Re: Nest
Hi Tim

I'm using the latest public HALUltra build 6.0.39. Nest does not appear as an available manufacturer in the device wizard. Goes from 'Honeywell' to 'OnQ Technologies' on my list (no NEST alphabetically in between). The only place I found NEST was in the 'Settings/HVAC' screen (which allowed me to authorize/link (Home Automatic Living shows up in the 'works with' screen of the NEST app once linked) but cannot actually add the thermostat as a device because of the above. If there's a later beta, I'd be happy to install and play with.

Best regards, Joe

TimShriver 01-31-2016 01:38 PM

Re: Nest
Hi Joe,

You can always go here to see what the latest version of HAL is... In the new build coming this week, 6.1.3 the system will notify you of updates available.

I will email you the link for the latest HALultra build



jamarotta 01-31-2016 02:18 PM

Re: Nest
Thanks Tim. The logic to prompt to download updates/ latest version will be a great addition to HAL.. .Joe

TimShriver 02-05-2016 02:36 PM

Re: Nest
Hi Joe, I am emailing you the 6.1.3 HALultra beta to test with your Nest Stat. Tim

jamarotta 02-05-2016 02:48 PM

Re: Nest
Confirming receipt. Will test the new beta out this weekend.. Thank you..Joe

DOHman 08-04-2016 09:07 PM

Re: Nest

Originally Posted by TimShriver (Post 31508)

You can always go here to see what the latest version of HAL is... In the new build coming this week, 6.1.3 the system will notify you of updates available.



Tim, will we be able to download/update within HAL now, or do we still need to request a download link?

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