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DaveGA 04-07-2016 01:37 AM

NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
1 Attachment(s)
Hi All,

I recently updated the firmware in my NAPCO GEM 9600 Security panel to Version 61B (home automation) and am having some strange issues.

1) HAL can access the panel and correctly reads the READY NOT READY state of the system
2) HAL does not read all the sensors I have loaded for each zone. It reads some, but not all.
See attached screen grab.
3) When I remove a sensor that worked and then reconfigure, it also can no longer read the status.

I was using HA firmware version 40C, but had to upgrade for a systems keypad upgrade.

- Do I have something corrupt somewhere in HAL related to the NAPCO device?
- Does Version 61B Firmware not work with HAL Ultra?
- Am I crazy??????

Any input would be great!


Hal Ultra 6.0.60
Win 7

TimShriver 04-07-2016 01:49 PM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
Hi Dave,

We had a user last year have a similar problem. I will check with the guys in support to see how they solved the problem and get back to you!


TimShriver 04-07-2016 02:01 PM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
HI Dave,

Quick question... are you using the flat gray cable and the PCI Mini adapter provided by Napco?


DaveGA 04-08-2016 10:41 AM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I am using the serial cable provided and the PCI Mini adapter to the panel. I've had it installed for 5-6 years now with no problem. Its odd that it reads some zones and not others.

I can swap the cable and the PCI mini interface to troubleshoot, I have a spare.

Just downloaded 6.1.12 with Tylers help.......nice guy and excited about checking it out.

Thanks again!


DaveGA 04-08-2016 11:47 AM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
1 Attachment(s)
One more interesting note:

I went and cycled each zone while monitoring the system monitor to verify proper reading of each zone cycle in HAL. The systems monitor correctly reads the zone, but when looking at Homenet on another machine, the zone is still not displayed. The zones which are displayed in Homenet do toggle correctly.

Pic attached.



DaveGA 04-17-2016 07:51 PM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
Hi Tim,

Just back form work and was going to work this issue this week. Did you have any luck chasing this one down?


TimShriver 04-18-2016 07:08 AM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
We fixed an issue in HomeNet Graphical UI that wouldn't permit arming or disarming that was introduced when we added HALws for security and incorporated tighter security. Only the Text version worked. We can't find anything related to sensors.

I would suggest that you start a help desk ticket and have one of the guys in support remote into your system to try and resolve it.


DaveGA 04-18-2016 01:22 PM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
Will do Tim. Thanks!

DaveGA 02-04-2017 02:31 PM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue

Finally home a bit and worked this.....I uninstalled and reinstalled and it worked. I probably had something set incorrectly.



TimShriver 02-04-2017 02:38 PM

Re: NAPCO GEM9600 Sensor Issue
That's great news! I'm glad you've resolved it :-)

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