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joesteed 07-14-2016 12:30 PM

Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
My internet server locks up when trying to download email, giving me a mail start error or a timeout, and then being unusable, consuming lots of CPU. This was new with 6.1.16, persists in 6.1.19. Running Windows 10. Any suggestions? I had a similar problem in one of the v5 versions that was a problem with the mail routines in HAL after some kind of change in SSL. That was fixed at the time. Thanks.

TimShriver 07-14-2016 01:01 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
Hi Joe,

Can you tell me what kind of email account you are using? Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail...


joesteed 07-14-2016 02:08 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
Sorry, Tim. I've tried it with both gmail and comcast.

joesteed 07-14-2016 02:11 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
Tim, I had also submitted this on the website after finding out about your ticket system, and I got the same question there. Do you want me to just keep up that thread or this one? Sorry for the confusion.

TimShriver 07-14-2016 02:14 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
Hi Joe,

These settings work for sending and receiving email in HAL with a gmail account. You may need to change your gmail account to “allow access to less secure apps”.


Incoming mail (POP3): pop.gmail.com
Outgoing mail (SMTP): smtp.gmail.com
Advanced: Incoming Port: 995
Advanced: Requires encrypted connection: checked
Advanced: Outgoing Port: 465
Advanced: Encryption type: SSL
My Server requires authentication: checked
Settings: Use the same settings as my incoming server: checked

Please let me know if this works for you.


joesteed 07-14-2016 03:18 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
I have been using exactly those settings, including the change to gmail, Tim. Is there something I can do to "start over" without deleting all my programming? Something is clearly not right. I've tried reinstalling, but should I be using different options and manually restoring my files?

TimShriver 07-14-2016 08:10 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
Hi Joe,

Check the email I just sent you with the settings for my gmail account...


tholliday 09-30-2016 02:19 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
Has anyone been able to resolve this issue?

I also have the same problem. Tim you and Tyler both sent me some things to try back in July. I had some personal issues to deal with so I did not get around to testing at that time. Today, I finally had a chance to test. The last thing that Tyler asked me to test was installing Hal on another PC. I have tried to download email from a gmail account from another PC with a trial version of Hal installed. I have tried it on two different internet providers and the Hal Internet Server hangs. I can open a telnet session to pop.gmail.com on port 465 on the PC so I know I can communicate to the pop server. I can also use the same POP settings in Outlook and successfully retrieve email using pop. I have verified that the gmail account has POP enable for all mail and that the allow access to less secure apps is enabled. For testing I also disabled the firewall.

I am running Windows 10 and Hal version 6.1.32

TimShriver 09-30-2016 02:25 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
I am able to use my gmail account. I am using windows 7. I will try the latest build 6.1.33 later today on a windows 10 system. Do you have anything in your error log? It is possible that the Dart email control we use did not install correctly or an antivirus software may have quarantined the required dll files.


joesteed 10-01-2016 05:54 PM

Re: Internet Server Can't get email; send notifications
I was able to get outgoing mail working using port 465 and TLS encryption, back when I was having the problem. That works for me, as I want only notifications. But I was never able to get incoming mail working and haven't tried lately, as I only rarely used it. Hope this helps.

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