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DevenLF 02-16-2015 02:37 PM

Android App
I keep seeing mention of "iphone and android" apps, but I've not been able to (ever) locate an actual android app. I paid the $40 (or whatever it was) for the iphone app but now no longer have an iphone, and would really like a similar android app. Am I missing it somewhere?

carlh6902 02-17-2015 03:30 PM

Re: Android App

TimShriver 02-17-2015 04:45 PM

Re: Android App
Carl pointed you in the right direction. Thank you Carl! :D

For future reference, the Download page link is found under the main site's Support Menu of links. Once on the Download page you will need to select the Smartphone Tab.

The android app is not as nice as the iPhone app. Have you tried using the HomeNet web UI on your smartphone?



linxuk 02-27-2015 01:01 PM

RE Iphone App
The Appstore is currently telling me the app is not available in either the UK or US stores ?

TimShriver 02-27-2015 01:58 PM

Re: Android App
Thank you for pointing that out... It turns out that we had to agree to a new iTunes Application Agreement. The status shows Pending, so I suspect the App should be available again within the next 24-48 hours.


richland007 08-20-2015 09:03 PM

Re: Android App
So recently I bought an lg urbane android watch which I really like and there is a ton of information out there for incorporating it with home automation. I don't know if the android app is compatible or has any features that can be used with android wear but the voice recognition is amazing in this things and the microphone always with you is a great feature. I know that the voice is not processed at the watch itself but I think it will be great if HAL android app had this feature. Or how can someone use the IFTTT app/ website which has android wear feature and interface it with HAL or Tasker android app both 2 very powerful apps which HAL should look into them

richland007 08-20-2015 09:05 PM

Re: Android App
So recently I bought an LG urbane android watch which I really like> I have checked around and there is a ton of information out there for incorporating it (android watches) with home automation.
I don't know if HAL android app is compatible or has any features that can be used with android wear but the voice recognition is amazing in this things and the microphone always with you is a great feature. I know that the voice is not processed at the watch itself but I think it will be great if HAL android app had this feature.
I am sure yall have heard of IFTTT and Tasker ...how can someone use the IFTTT app/ website which has android wear feature and interface it with HAL or Tasker android app both 2 very powerful apps which HAL should look into .

TimShriver 08-21-2015 07:57 AM

Re: Android App
We have submitted requests two different times to become a partner and create a channel for HAL with IFTTT. I just sent a message to two of the founders today in hopes of getting some movement with IFTTT.



TimShriver 08-21-2015 05:01 PM

Re: Android App
Well I sent a bunch of emails to IFTTT today inquiring as to the status of our age old request to develop channels for IFTTT... Below is the response I finally received from Jamison of support@ifttt.com


Originally Posted by Jamison
Thank you for your interest in IFTTT. We’ve received your request to join our partner platform. Given the influx of Channel submissions, we aren’t in a position to move forward at this time. However, because you’ve shared your information with us, we’ll be sure to be in touch when we have more to share.
The IFTTT Community Team

Krauzac 08-30-2015 07:23 AM

Re: Android App
Lets start an e-mail campaign to support@ifttt.com
If we all write them maybe they will reconsider.
Tell them your a HAL user and would like to also use IFTTT

TimShriver 08-30-2015 09:00 AM

Re: Android App
I do think their response is odd in that we had requested to be a channel partner a while ago and never got a reply until I pushed. Perhaps another type of push could yield more positive results ;-)


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