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Krauzac 01-23-2015 06:48 AM

HALVoices not working after v5.2 fix
Hi - I've installed the license fix build ver 5.2 to resolve the licensing issue. The e-mail included the HALVoices link that I also purchased way back.
I downloaded (noticed it was the same version and file size) Voices anyway and installed after the HAL 5.2 install.
Now, no matter what voice I pick, it always plays the same default female voice.
I did try removing/un-installing and reinstalling HALVoices with no change.
Can someone assist me in resolving this issue?
I realize you guys at AutomatedLiving are busy upgrading the site and HAL 6 is out, but my e-mails to support for the last 7 days have gone unanswered.

DWB 01-23-2015 07:38 AM

Re: HALVoices not working after v5.2 fix
I had the same problem and Tim had sent me a fix. The version I was sent was 5.2.2. Unfortunately Tim has been under the weather for the last week but there is a fix for it.


Krauzac 01-23-2015 08:08 AM

Re: HALVoices not working after v5.2 fix
DWB - Thanks for the update. I found the update 5.2.2, Voices are working again!
Tim, hope you feel better soon!

Stormin 01-25-2015 04:29 AM

Re: HALVoices not working after v5.2 fix
I had the same problem with v5.2 and Tim helped me fix it. Now I'm on version 6.0.19 and the same problem came back. Has anyone gotten a fix from Tim for the new v6.0.19?

TimShriver 01-26-2015 12:31 PM

Re: HALVoices not working after v5.2 fix

The issue with Voices for version 5.2.x users was initially a problem with the License Manager. Subsequent issues have turned out to be that the user hadn't activated the newer license and was running in trial mode. The same seems to be the issue with version 6 customers experiencing an issue with Voices not working... Please check License Manager to make sure you are Licensed.

To check your License's status, start the HAL License Manager. Click on the "?" in the upper right hand corner. This will open a status page from which you can see you license status as well as the status of options such as DMC, DVCc and voices.



BTW - My blood pressure has been coming down and I am improving. Thanks!

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