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jccook3 07-19-2015 06:16 PM

Lost Phone Voice input for commands
Recently upgraded from H2000 to Halpro, so decided I might as well upgrade to way2call so than I can to a 64 bit system in the future. When I upgaraded to way2call I lost the ability to command Hal over the phone, It answers but it seems it does not hear me. Log says it listening and Voice mail works. I went back to the VP300, same problem. Also notice that there is a new field in phone setup, or one I don't remember, W2C Audio DEV. This seem to only be active when Way2Call is selected. Any Ideas anyone.

jccook3 08-07-2015 02:38 PM

Re: Lost Phone Voice input for commands
Well, I got voice recognition working again. Had to reload Halpro. Must have corrupted something. But still have a problem using Way2Call. My VP300 work fine, but when I switch to the Way2Call, things go bad. Hal responds to the # press on the house phone, but audio comes out the speakers on the sound card. No sound or voice input from house phone. Anyone else seen this problem? Am I missing something on the setup? No doc’s on setup of Way2Call in Hal.

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