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randy h 11-24-2015 10:58 AM

Macro Limit in V6
I just updated to V6 from V4. I have more than 100 Macros. Ultra is warning me that 100 is the limit. Is there a way I can change that limit?

dtomcat 11-24-2015 02:50 PM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
only way to up the limit is to upgrade to the next higher version. Ultra to pro I believe.

randy h 11-24-2015 03:08 PM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
Thanks, dtomcat for the response.

Wow, that is really disheartening. I have been working with version 4 for years. I have over a 120 macros and my hands are now tied? I think I may have made a mistake paying for an upgrade to current version for LESS product.

I realize that there are other improvements, but this macro limit just seems cruel. I have been in communication with Hal Support discussing this upgrade and was never warned of a macro limit.

Holy cow, i was really on the fence about this upgrade to v6 to begin with. I wish I had known about this limit. Man, I feel sick.

randy h 11-24-2015 03:23 PM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
I just opened a ticket with Helpdesk for clarification. Surely this is some kind of misunderstanding. I hope so.

randy h

randy h 11-24-2015 05:13 PM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
I got my response back from HelpDesk. It's certainly true. As it turns out, there were even lower limits in my version 4 Hal2000, but they weren't enforced.

I had no idea these limits even existed. Now that I see them, (and they are not just macro limits) I don't really understand why they would even be in place for Ultra. I could see it for Basic, but Ultra is right below dealer.

I am currently at 127 Macros. Tech support was kind enough to point out that I can interchange Scene and Macro usage for a total of 200. But I don't want to invest my time and money to only hit count limits in the future as I expand my system.

I was a heavy user of Hal2000 and this forum before 2010. After that I kind of just let my Hal2000 ride along on its current settings. My XP machine that runs Hal is barely staying alive so I decided to upgrade to Version 6 Ultra, just so I could move to a Win8/10 PC.

But now, with these limits, I am just going to request a refund on my upgrade (still on 30 day trial, the license Manager won't run on my XP system), and let my Hal2000 and all the years of work I had on the system, go by the way side.

Hal2000 was really great for a long time. And I was kind of looking forward to getting to know the forum folks again. Too bad I can't justify continuing with it. I guess others felt the same way and that explains why this board is not as lively as it was back in 2010.

dtomcat 11-25-2015 05:19 AM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
Yes.... this caught me by surprise as well and I upgraded to pro. This wasn't bad for me as I was thinking of upgrading anyhow since I like to write my own code to run along side HAL. I actually still run my system on windows xp. thinking of upgrading OS's... but i'm scared to disturb a working system! :)

Wirenut 11-25-2015 05:54 AM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
I too had this happen when I moved to Hal Ultra V6...... I was a little torqued. I just built a new house and haven't implemented automation yet, but I may move to another system. It will be from the ground up new.

It has got pretty quiet around here.


randy h 11-25-2015 06:19 AM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
dtomcat, man for sure, I was trying to be proactive . I too had a working system that was cruising along fine, but my xp system is so old its a hit or miss on if its even going to see my video card on a reboot, lol.

Wirenut. Yeah, I am looking around at alternatives. One thing that is great about Hal is that the interface is very intuitive. If you understand the concept of "If-->then" its very easy for a non programmer like myself to accomplish a lot of fairly complex actions. I really love Hal, I just have a bad taste in my mouth now.

And I have to blame myself as much as Automated Living. Gotta read the fine print. But its not like I am trying to automate a factory, just my house. The limits are too small for the price points.

richland007 12-03-2015 08:28 PM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
I am right at the point of spending the $150 for the upgrade....I don't have 100 macros by long shot and I really used to like this product but I am comparing this to others and their abilities and I wonder if I should do it.....but what's mostly stopping me is the silence of this forum it is deafening at times...I used to look forward to checking it every other day for news and inspiration but there is nothing lately

dtomcat 12-03-2015 10:34 PM

Re: Macro Limit in V6
I still check it just about every day. I'll answer any question I see that I feel I can reliably answer! :)

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