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RGFlade 12-01-2015 06:21 PM

SMTP problems sending e-mail notification
Years ago (I have had HAL9000 for MANY years) before I upgraded to the latest version of HALultra I had rules that sent me e-mails to notify me of conditions. I haven't been able to get them to work and I don't know why.

I have checked, double, and triple checked the HAL settings (using google mail) and checked google mail setting.

I have checked "Do not test for network connections before downloading"
E-mail is set to pop.gmail.com (port 995/use SSL) & smtp.gmail.com (port 465/SSL)
My Account name & password are absolutely correct
I have checked "My server requires authentication" and have the setting set to "Use the same setting as my incoming mail server"

I have tried everything I can think of. . . but if I don't get an error about the encryption (when I've changed it to TSL, and other ports) I get a message in the Internet Information screen, "The connection has been dropped because of a network failure or because the peer system failed to respond. Also caus" it cuts off and I can't read the rest.

Please any ideas???

TimShriver 12-05-2015 08:41 AM

Re: SMTP problems sending e-mail notification
Hi Robert,

I believe your issue was already addressed by our help desk... For others HAL users trying to send email via gmail below details how you must go about configuring gmail and HAL.

First you will need to change your gmail account to “Allow access to less secure apps”.


From the System Settings, Internet, Email configuration screen:
Incoming mail (POP3): pop.gmail.com
Outgoing mail (SMTP): smtp.gmail.com
Advanced: Incoming Port: 995
Advanced: Requires encrypted connection: checked
Advanced: Outgoing Port: 465
Advanced: Encryption type: SSL
My Server requires authentication: checked
Settings: Use the same settings as my incoming server: checked

finally you will need to make sure that the ports 995 and 465 are not blocked by any firewall software.



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