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john.cafagna 07-05-2017 07:55 PM

Insteon Device On as a trigger
1 Attachment(s)
I am usually pretty good at low-level programming, but have been stuck recently hoping for some help.

I have a light on an X10 switch. I have an insteon 8 button remote that controls all the other lights in this area. For some wiring and financial reasons, I would like to keep this one light on X10, but operate it from the insteon switch.

I have the insteon switch paired with an outdoor insteon on/off adapter. I have a rule stating when that adapter is ON then it should turn on the X10 device. I also have an added variable that it needs to be in the House Mode Summer as the insteon adapter is used in the winter for my Holiday Decorations.

If I turn on the adapter with HAL, then it does indeed turn on the X10 device. If I use the remote Insteon switch to turn on the adapter, the X10 device does not turn on, but HAL does seem to know that the insteon device is on, at least when I go to Homenet to check.

Any ideas or help would be welcomed!

I have a working "virtual switch" in an X10 on/off swtich. When it is turned on (this is hard-wired) it has a rule that turns on Insteon devices in that room. It works well.

Thanks again to anyone that takes the time to read this and attempts to help!

- John

DadGoneMad 07-06-2017 02:47 PM

Re: Insteon Device On as a trigger
Using the monitor function (right click ear icon in task bar, then selecting monitor option), then select devices. After that when you trigger the insteon remote, do you see it in the log as HAL receiving an "on" command?

I have several of those 4 button on/off insteon remotes and I have rules set up to do different things, including controlling X-10 devices and mine works with no problem. Am wondering if HAL is even receiving the "on" command from the insteon remote or not?

If it is, I'd re-examine your rule, maybe something with the secondary condition isn't processing correctly. I'd remove the secondary condition, save, then trigger the remote and see what is logged in the monitor screen. If that works then it's your secondary condition causing the problem.

If you don't see the insteon device "on" command being received by HAL in the monitor, then there's something wrong with the setup of the insteon remote in HAL. I'll be happy to send you a screen shot of how I have mine configured if that helps.

Looking back at your message and reading a second time, you want the X10 device to turn on "IF" the insteon device becomes on? If so, you might try doing a 5 or 10 second delay that rule to see if that may help. Something like this: IF Insteon device becomes on, then in 5 seconds turn on X10 device. Your other option is to set a flag, something like this: Inflatables ON, then do something, then in 3 seconds set FLAG X10Device to "TRUE". Then create another rule that IF flag X10Device becomes "TRUE" then turn on the X10Device in 2 seconds.

Let me know what you find out after troubleshooting or trying the recommended approach above. I'm happy to help where I can.

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