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jamarotta 03-31-2019 10:41 AM

New Feature Request - EyezOn Security?
One of the drawbacks of using a DSC panel for security (at least older models) is no internet/cloud access. HAL in a round about way provides internet access because the older DSC panels (i.e. PC1555MX) could have a card installed in them that then enables HAL to talk to it via a serial port or USB connection. Ultimately talking to HAL via the internet meant you could control the panel.

Recently, I've been able to adapt my older DSC panel to the cloud with the EyezOn product. http://www.eyezon.com/ This is great if you want control from an app or your desktop, and if you want want to monitor events yourself (free) although they also offer a premium monitoring service if you want it.

To take it a step further, Eyezon, just recently added an Alexa skill so that the EyezOn interface between the DSC alarm panel and the cloud can now be addressed by Alexa with simple commands to her like 'Alex Arm by home in Stay Mode'

Would be great if HAL could be updated to address the Eyezon interface too. Would presumably be done much like Nest is today where Nest authorizes HAL to talk to the cloud account and it does.

Just putting this out there for the developers since hardwiring the DSC with a serial cable to the alarm panel isn't for everyone and this eliminates the need for that. The Eyezon card was inexpensive, easy to install into the panel and connect to a cloud account. Now if HAL could just talk to it to like Alexa does!

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