Forum: Technical Assistance
03-30-2020, 11:12 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 200,272
Weather Station Info to Variables:
Am hoping someone can help me here. I am running HalPro and a few upgrades ago I noticed that the Data Log now periodically shows "WEATHER STATION" data in the data event log. An example of what I...
Forum: HAL HomeNet and Internet
09-20-2017, 08:47 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 205,783
Re: Smart Phone App
Any idea when it will be updated to support IOS 11? This isn't good news at all.. :(
Forum: Programming HAL
07-06-2017, 02:47 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 186,748
Re: Insteon Device On as a trigger
Using the monitor function (right click ear icon in task bar, then selecting monitor option), then select devices. After that when you trigger the insteon remote, do you see it in the log as HAL...
Forum: General Questions and Discussions
05-11-2017, 07:14 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 172,429
Re: AMazon Echo
I use my Amazon Echo and Dot's which are placed in several locations throughout my house to communicate with HAL. Within the bridge setup document it references how to have a macro launch...
Forum: Insteon
04-05-2017, 05:02 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 175,141
Re: new devices from SmartHome
I use the previous version of the Insteon motion sensors with HAL. You can add them as an Insteon 2420M - sensor.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Technical Assistance
03-05-2017, 02:26 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 80,855
Forum: HVAC (Thermostats)
02-19-2017, 11:26 AM
Replies: 1
Views: 75,990
Re: 2441TH and HAL
Hey there,
I just installed two of these in my home. I did the same process you mentioned but when it completed I had multiple 2441TH's as different devices. I deleted all the duplicate...
Forum: HA Project Center
01-14-2017, 08:37 PM
Replies: 59
Views: 613,771
Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
I tried to load the bridge control screen, but nothing would ever open. I just MacGyver'd a solution to see if I could fix it and it worked. However another problem that's surfaced is now...
Forum: HA Project Center
01-14-2017, 03:08 PM
Replies: 59
Views: 613,771
Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
Just as an FYI, I recently upgraded from my DSL to high-speed with AT&T. After the installation of their new wireless router my HA Bridge would not launch with HAL. No errors, very confusing. I...
Forum: HVAC (Thermostats)
01-12-2017, 02:36 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 268,177
Re: Nest
I had the same problem when I upgraded to v.39. I first thought it was some sort of permissions issue but could never resolve it. Instead what I did was log on with a (Win10) local account (instead...
Forum: Technical Assistance
12-08-2016, 08:53 AM
Replies: 16
Views: 177,585
Forum: Cinemar's Main Lobby Plug-in
09-16-2016, 10:33 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 204,614
Re: How many users?
Yeah, I bought Main Lobby several years ago - was never able to successfully integrate Main Lobby with HAL. I know there was some add-on you had to download and install, but after that the...
Forum: Technical Assistance
08-19-2016, 12:38 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 92,783
Re: 6.1.30 Upgrade
So I can tell you that I had a similar problem with the .30 release but after doing a second re-installation the issue went away.
Now I have another issue, which I haven't reported yet... Just not...
Forum: General Questions and Discussions
06-18-2016, 05:31 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 98,791
Re: What Wall Switches Do You Use
I use all UPB switches, some with dimmers, some with timers. I get all of mine through
Their web page use to have all the different types listed, but I think it's better...
Forum: General Questions and Discussions
08-15-2015, 06:41 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 113,793
Windows 10 (Issues?)
Hello and good morning to all...
I recently upgraded from Win7 Ultra to Windows 10 and am running HALPro 6.0.42. I am having a problem with bringing up HALHomeNet. I've tried using the new MS...
Forum: Technical Assistance
06-15-2015, 03:20 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 45,249
Forum: Technical Assistance
06-07-2015, 04:15 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 45,249
X10 Not working after HALPro Upgrade
I recently upgraded to HALPro from HALUltra and now none of my X10 devices will work. I've troubleshooted the Ocelot using it's software and it doesn't seem to have any problems. I can see the...