Originally Posted by john.cafagna
As an FYI I personally found it easier, when using Alexa to turn off groups, to create a fake x10 device with a letter code I am not using and have HAL rules run off of that turning off or on. Example (Inside Light, HAL Virtual (Custom) X10, with code E07). Add that in the bridge then can say, "Alexa turn on inside lights". I may be making it more difficult, but works better for me. 
You can use the Groups command in HAL and in the HA Bridge. For example, I have my lights grouped in lots of ways. Upstairs, Main Floor, Basement, Inside, Outside, Front, Back... Take the HAL Group Outside... In the HA Bridge it adds this item as just the Group name Outside. So you would say to Alexa "Turn Outside Off" To keep my command consistent with HAL and for clarity I edit the Name in the HA Bridge to be "All Outside Lights" . This means I say the same thing to HAL and Alexa; "Turn All Outside Lights On". I don't use a virtual device or rule, just the HAL Group.