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Old 10-13-2016, 08:33 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Port Alberni, BC Canada
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Default Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

I upgraded (forced) to Windows 10 back in July and at the same time upgraded to HALUltra 6.0

The PC is dedicated so other than HALUltra and some UPB configuration software, and virus/malware software there really isn’t anything other software installed in the PC.

Shortly after I had everything up and running I started to see a pattern of HAL NOT turning on/off lights when it was scheduled to do so. I would go the PC to investigate and every thing looks fine no error messages and when I would open the hidden icon box (bottom right corner) I see the HAL ear and the phone but within a split second of opening the popup the ear disappears from the box….no error messages.

If I try to restart HAL it says the HAL Server is already running. If I reboot every thing starts up again and will run just fine for anywhere from 3 hours to 3 days them poof nothing is working.

I have had this problem from ver 6.0 and now the latest Ver 6.1.33 which was installed 4 days ago….

To be honest, I have 3 PC all running the new Windows 10 and all three have some weird quirking stuff happening….but none of the issues are the same on each of the PC. NOt saying this is a HAL problem but possibly and HAL / Windows 10 issue

As it sits, HAL is not functioning as it should
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Old 10-30-2016, 10:11 AM   #2
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Default Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

Shortly after posting my original message I had to do yet another reboot....but this time things were different HAL ran without any issues for about 5 days, then we had an extended length power outage that ran my UPS down and the PC shut down...

After the power was back on I rebooted and since then I have only had to restart HAL once,,,so it appears to be much better but not perfect..

During this entire time no new software was added nor was any removed, but I suspect there had been a Windows 10 update at some point..

Additionally, one of my other Windows 10 PC's problems mysteriously disappeared as well..the 3rd PC still having a small problem..

I suspect there are still a LOT of problems with Windows 10 that Microsoft is quietly working on....I will try to post any changes...

and I will install the latest HAL upgrade today...
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Old 11-29-2016, 08:20 AM   #3
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Default Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

on ver 6.1.35

Still having problems..only thing that is happening occasionally but often is that at 22:00:00 I run a macro that does complete successfully and then I turn off a light an 1:00:00 that does not execute...

In the morning I could not connect to sever with iphone, when I went to PC to check I could open the tray and see the ear icon but this time it did not vanish, I could left or right click on ear icon and nothing would happen.

If I tried to restart HAL it would just say server all ready running...

I can go 2-3 days then - poof... nothing working

Last edited by canadauser; 11-29-2016 at 08:23 AM.
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Old 12-20-2016, 08:26 AM   #4
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Default Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

Stillllllllll having same problems, yesterday after rebooting HAL was dysfunctional after an hour then rebooted, then again HAL dysfunctional after two hours. Had to reboot again this morning. After that I installed 6.1.37... had some error at end of install. three reboots in less than 12 hours..

Booted up HAL started up fine,,,we will see.

Going to have to call in after Christmas, obviously the message board is no place to get any help.

However my gut feeling is, it is my Windows 10 installation that is the problem,,,on a side note I have a newer Dell PC's I'm having problems with drivers not compatible with Windows 10 and there are no updated drivers available.

Also noted LOTS of Windows 10 updates still happening.....
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Old 12-20-2016, 08:57 AM   #5
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Default Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

because I am so suspicious of my Windows 10 install, before I call in I think I'm going to wipe the hard drive clean and do a fresh install of Windows 10. reload HAL then see what happens...
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Old 12-31-2016, 03:19 PM   #6
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Default Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

Any progress? I just recently have found HAL to just not be running on my Windows 10 for no apparent reason. No error logs, no power outages, really odd. I just noticed no lights were turning on and went to my dedicated computer to find HAL just simply not running. I also was attempting to check the license status as that was an issue last year at about this time (New Years). Wonder if that is the case again as I have no idea how to check it.
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Old 01-01-2017, 03:49 PM   #7
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Default Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

Hi john.cafagna,,,exactly what is happening to me, but it can happen within hours up to 4-5 days then BAM HAL is dead...

Disappointing news, after reinstalling Win 10, the PC was stable for about three days,,,then my wife made me take her shopping out of town overnight, when we cam home. The house was DARK ,,,my heart just sank..damn.

I went to the HAL PC and open up the system tray and for just a split second I could see the ear then it disappeared...The problem was back..

So now the question is, is there a compatibility problem with HALultra and Windows 10?

Is there a hardware problem that is not obvious?.

Should I reinstall HAlultra on a different Windows 10 PC and see what happens?

Note: all these problems appeared immediately after install windows 10 and upgrading to HALultra 6.0
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Old 01-01-2017, 05:14 PM   #8
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Cool Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

Same here. Stable for days then without any known antecedent it would gracefully exit. There is no sign of a crash. I just updated to their latest build and am running the watchdog to see if anything happens that I can record or fix.

I too went away for a couple days and of course, came home to a dark house and I too had my stomach get upset because I know this will overtake my life to figure out the issue.

The fun of automation....
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Old 01-18-2017, 08:52 AM   #9
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Default Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

Latest update. When the upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 was offered last year for free I took the option because I figured it would be forced on me at some point. I did and the upgrade went smoothly.

However, my PC is now 9 years old and was from an era that Windows 10 had not even been thought about.

Recently my PC started just shutting down, no errors just powered off for no apparent reason. This was happening about every 6-8 hours..

I installed an application (not sure what it was called) that ran extensive testing on the PC for hours and logged any errors, it logged that many of my device drivers were not up to date and I should updated them...

As it turned out I had 22 drivers that were out of date, and of those 22 drivers there was 10 that no Windows 10 drivers were available....It turns out my hardware is not Windows 10 problems have nothing to do with HAL

So my options are either buy a new Windows 10 PC or roll back to Windows 7.

I took the Windows 7 option, I formatted hard drive and reinstalled everything on the Windows 7 OS platform.

It's only been 4 days, but no mysterious HAL shut downs and no weird PC power shut downs either....I'll be watching and reporting..
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Old 02-07-2017, 08:11 AM   #10
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Default Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem

Been a few weeks and WOW what a difference, I also scheduled a few reboots through the week (Mon & Thur) only do MS updates once a week and what a HUGE difference switching back to Win 7.....ZERO failures..

So I assume then my hardware is just too old, if I ever am forced to upgrade the OS I will have to get a new PC....
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