Forum: HA Project Center
01-18-2019, 06:35 PM
Replies: 59
Views: 615,473
Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
Has anyone had the issue that Alexa says server is unresponsive for HAL devices added via Ha Bridge?
It happened out of nowhere on or about 1/16/2019.
I attempted deleting and re-adding devices...
Forum: X10, UPB, Z-Wave and Insteon
08-12-2018, 10:06 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 207,791
Re: Unable to initialize Insteon adapter
My USB Insteon Modem just stopped being initialized by HAL at startup. This will be the third in three years that has failed. Anyone else have this problem or a solution to save me $80 per year? ...
Forum: HA Project Center
11-30-2017, 05:37 PM
Replies: 59
Views: 615,473
Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
I had to throw out my old computer and start over. As I reinstalled HAL I also had to recreate the HAI Bridge. When I went to their site, there is a new version which I used. The Token no longer...
Forum: Programming HAL
07-05-2017, 07:55 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 187,093
Insteon Device On as a trigger
I am usually pretty good at low-level programming, but have been stuck recently hoping for some help.
I have a light on an X10 switch. I have an insteon 8 button remote that controls all the...
Forum: Telephony
01-15-2017, 12:42 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 74,641
Re: Way2Call Desktop pro
Has anyone found a way to get the Way2Call to read caller ID on VOIP phones? I have FiOS in my house and believe that may be the culprit. I did see some TAPI settings asking about CALLER ID...
Forum: HA Project Center
01-15-2017, 06:39 AM
Replies: 59
Views: 615,473
Re: HAL, Amazon Echo/Dot, SMS, and TV Control
As an FYI I personally found it easier, when using Alexa to turn off groups, to create a fake x10 device with a letter code I am not using and have HAL rules run off of that turning off or on. ...
Forum: Telephony
01-02-2017, 03:31 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 150,231
Re: Caller ID
Positively yes.
It has the updated firmware. I really am not sure what could have went wrong... maybe the modem is just malfunctioning. It does answer calls, but all as anonymous. It stopped...
Forum: Technical Assistance
01-01-2017, 05:14 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 96,114
Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem
Same here. Stable for days then without any known antecedent it would gracefully exit. There is no sign of a crash. I just updated to their latest build and am running the watchdog to see if...
Forum: Telephony
01-01-2017, 12:59 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 150,231
Re: Caller ID
Nothing shows caller ID with this modem now. Not sure what went wrong. I am running Windows 10 and using the Beta Driver from their website. I had it working on the computer and with...
Forum: Telephony
01-01-2017, 11:42 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 150,231
Re: Caller ID
Was there a fix to get the Way2Call to report caller ID into the computer? I am now having the same issue.
Forum: Technical Assistance
12-31-2016, 03:19 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 96,114
Re: Windows 10 and HALUltra 6.nn problem
Any progress? I just recently have found HAL to just not be running on my Windows 10 for no apparent reason. No error logs, no power outages, really odd. I just noticed no lights were turning on...