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How do I make sure HAL starts automatically if my computer reboots?

NOTE: If HAL hasn't been registered yet, then when the program starts up it will stop at the registration screen and wait for you to click LATER or for you to enter a registration code and click OK. The software will not continue loading until one of these actions is taken. Once HAL has been registered, this screen will no longer appear and HAL will start without interruption.


Long version:
NOTE: If HAL was installed to a location other than the default location of "C:\Program Files\HAL", type that location in place of the location indicated. If unsure of that location, click BROWSE and navigate through the folders on the computer until you find HAL's folder. Double-click on the file "HAL System Server.exe" to have the full path name appear in the Create Shortcut screen.


Quick version:
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I upgraded HAL2000 to the new 1.3.23 version and now I'm getting an "Error Loading ASR DLL" when I try to start HAL.
Article details
Article ID: 114
Category: How Do I...? Setup
Date added: 2012-12-05 18:09:23
Views: 1031
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (19)

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